Monday, 22 December 2008

Ho Ho Ho

Samuel Leonard Keith Leonard's build up to Christmas has consisted of the following:

-Convincing people that £150 is a reasonable amount to spend on a pair of jeans (whilst secretly advising them that if they wait four days, they will be an even more reasonable £85).

-Conquering my fear of going upstairs on buses in Birmingham, i've discovered that while there may be an increased risk of being mugged, the conversations you over-hear are a lot more interesting.

-Looking for a new guitar on Ebay, this will be my Christmas present from Lottie and the Parents.

-Getting excited about possibly getting a new job that is as wonderful as my last one.

-Watching the Arcade Fire's new DVD: Miroir Noir in two minute portions because my computer is a dick head.

-And finally....writing new songs! Hooooray! Two new ones to be specific, they are both about twelve minutes long at the moment, with about 8 verses (after I read this) so they should see the light of day in about a year.

Ho Ho

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